Feel free to skip this part if you have a different method you prefer to use. However, this method works on most Android devices.

It's possible to uninstall third-party apps or updates via other avenues, like long-pressing app icons in some launchers or through the Play Store. System or otherwise, the easiest and most universal way to uninstall an app is via the Settings app. In those cases, the best you can do is uninstall the updates that rest on top of the original app (we'll get to that later). Most third-party apps can be easily removed, but the system apps your phone came with may not be uninstallable. Sometimes that's more easily said than done. To start, you'll uninstall the app in question. Step 1: Uninstall the current version of the app The steps outlined below work the same for Android 10 through Android 13, minus a few visual differences and small tweaks in language between each version. This guide has been checked and updated for Android 13.