Ranged can go either way on this one, really depends on your healers. This is unavoidable for melee but should definitely be avoided by healers. Something not stated on the encounter page is the fact that the Sha-Touched ground below him gives an aura that gives 20% increased damage dealt and increases your damage taken by 20%. We also used ranged AoE from the lower levels. We assigned about 3 levels 90's to be on adds full time. In his main phase he calls down adds which hit pretty hard, you need tanks to pick up these adds and DPS to AoE them down. As a level 88 boomkin with around 200k health I survived using Barkskin and self-healing (Other than the healers who were healing). This was pretty significant damage to lower levels, but we didn't line up any CD usage. He's got one phase and after 50 seconds he takes a short break and nukes your raid for 25 seconds. It says that he has 2 phases, but I don't really agree. This is just kind of my notes on the encounter. Definitely a cool fight and doing this while leveling is one of the coolest experiences I've had in Warcraft to date.

We had 40 people with about 18 level 90's. Comment by SaanthWe killed this today on Kil'Jaeden.